Saturday, September 8, 2007

Blog Task:
Is same-sex marriage a practical consideration in this age of globalisation?

Legislature OKs same-sex marriage bill; governor expected to veto
Same-sex marriages (SSM), civil unions and domestic partnerships
Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives
Gay Parents: Less Than Optimal?

From wikipedia, it states that same-sex marriage is a term for a governmentally, socially, or religiously recognized marriage in which two people of the same sex live together as a family. Other terms for this type of relationship include "gay marriage", "gender-neutral marriage," "equal marriage," "lesbian marriage," "homosexual marriage," "single-sex marriage," and "same-gender marriage".

According to, practical means of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals, consideration means careful thought; deliberation, while globalisation is the growth to a global or worldwide scale.

In this age of globalisation, more countries are now more open with homosexuality, and therefore, same-sex marriages are much more accepted in the world. The first legal same-sex marriages was officially allowed in The Netherlands 1 April 2001, the first nation in the world to do and subsequently after that it was allowed in countries Belgium, Canada, Massachusetts, USA, South Africa and Spain.

Marriage is a relationship and bond, most commonly between a man and a woman, that plays a key role in the definition of many families. Precise definitions vary historically and between and within cultures, but it has been an important concept as a socially sanctioned bond in a sexual relationship.

In the age of globalisation, same sex marriages are not a practical consideration as it is a society taboo that gays are placed in the position as normal parents raising a child. To many, it is not normal, rather against nature as a normal family would consist of a daddy, a mummy and a child, rather than two daddys or two mummys and a child, therefore gay parenting is not widely accepted in this age of globalisation. Also, many feel that when a child is being raised in a two-parent gay or lesbian household, he or she will have to bear not only the stigma of being adopted but having gay parents adds more issues, confusion and judgement from outsiders.

Same sex marriages are not a practical consideration as most religions like the christians, Islams do not support same sex-marriages. They believe that God has created male ad female so that they could procreate, therefore same sex marriages is seen as something which is abnormal and going against the will of God. Moreover, marriage is seen as something that is sacred and by allowing gay marriages would increase the number of non-serious marriages on top of the high rates of divorce. According to, "marriage is the most sacred institution in this country, and every society considers it the joining of a man and a woman. It makes biological sense since only a man and woman can pro-create" Therefore, same sex marriages are not allowed as it would threaten the definition as well as respect for the insitution of marriage.

Also, by tradition, it led to the beliefs of humans that the ideal family unit is one which consists of a father, a mother and children and any straying from this model is something which is dangerous and not normal. According to the news article, "Can mum, mum and kids make a family?" the author states that "no single model of the family has dominated throughout history. The traditional nuclear family just happens yo be a structure that contemporary society finds stabe and workable." shows that same sex marriages is not a practical consideration as it does not follow the nuclear family trend, therefore it is deemed to be unnatural and a taboo to people.

However, according to, it shows that "most children in the United States do not live with two married parents. In fact, according to the 2000 census, only 24% homes were composed of a married mother and father with children living at home. The Florida court argues that children are better off raised in a two-parent heterosexual household. In fact, scientific studies have shown that children who grow up in one or two-parent gay or lesbian households fare just as well emotionally and socially as children whose parents are heterosexual." shows that a homosexuals are fit to raise a child and are no different from a heterosexual household.

Moreover, it is harder for a same sex couple to get a child compared to a heterosexual couple. For the same sex couple, they either bring children from their previous marriages with them, finding children through adoption or undergo artificial insemination which is expensive and costly. Moreover, in countries in Singapore, artificial insemination is only subsidized for heterosexual couples. Compared to a child who is born out of the wedlock, the one cared by a homosexual couple will be more loved and they will have his/her interests placed first in their hearts.

Also according to, it also shows us that there "the United States has many children waiting to be adopted. Older children and those with special needs are especially hard to place. Children who fit this category are in foster homes right now with gay and lesbian parents who want to adopt them. It is unfair to the children to deny them permanent secure homes." shows that the children should be our top priority, rather than seeing who their parents is. Even if their parents are homosexuals, it is better off to know that someone is willing care for this orphans, having their interests at heart, rather than letting them feel unloved and unwanted by society.

If we deny the rights for homosexuals parenting, we also deny the child from growing up in a loving family, a condition far better off than being placed in orphanages. Moreover, there is no harm placing a child in a family who is willing to love him/her with all their heart despite them being homosexuals. Most importantly is that the well-being of the child is being taken care off, and that by letting homosexuals adopt children will help reduce the number of kids being abandoned. Also, it is known that homosexuals is also well known for their pink dollars, which is their high purchasing power in society. These gives them an edge over others as they most likely would not encounter financial problems while raising a child up, therefore being able to provide the needs essential for a child's growth.

Therefore, at this age of globalisation, we should have a more opened society and not discriminating and denying them the rights of adopting children just because they are homosexuals. We should instead thank them for giving such orphans a home to stay and a chance to know what parental love is.

1 comment:

webspinner said...

A well-researched and relevant discussion!
Grade: A