Democrat vs Republican
Democrats believed the government is there to provide an even playing field for all the people. Republicans believe the government is for the wealthy few, to make and keep money and power.
Republicans believe that the first obligation of government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens. We believe that both juveniles and adults must learn that their actions have consequences and that they will be held responsible for their behavior. We support increasing the share of the state budget devoted to the criminal justice system (currently only 6 percent), requiring criminals to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences, building more prisons and boot camps for adults and juveniles, giving judges more authority over juveniles, removing the juvenile justice system from HRS; requiring, whenever possible, prisoners to pay for the cost of their incarceration, and streamlining procedures for implementing capital punishment. We also support requiring prisoners to work and in appropriate cases requiring prisoners to receive a high school equivalency education as a condition of their release.
Democrats in the legislature continue to vote to water down most of the rime fighting provisions sup ported by Republicans. They also vote to weaken capital punishment laws. Under our Democrat dominated government Florida leads the nation in violent crime.
Republicans believe in local control of education, reducing bureaucracy both in Tallahassee and at the district level, removing state mandates wherever possible, dramatically in creasing the share of the education budget allocated to the classroom, taking the politics and special interests out of the state funding formula, allowing local option school choice among all public schools, and implementing pilot programs to let families choose among all accredited schools, public or private. We believe that choice in education should not be limited to those with high incomes. Republicans believe that our children must come first and that all other considerations with respect to the education system are secondary.
Democrats continue to protect the status quo in our failing education system. They mislead the public by promising "cuts" in the education bureaucracy and then engaging in a shell game of transferring employees that does not save money or increase local control of education. They talk about "reforms", but ultimately focus on protecting business as usual and the narrow interests of the leadership of teachers unions, often at the expense of our children. Florida's Cabinet, which serves as the state Board of Education, has never been con trolled by Republicans. Under our Democrat dominated government, Florida currently ranks 44th in the nation in SAT scores and 48th in graduation rates, despite the fact that our per pupil expenditures are equal to the national average.
Republicans believe that the following principles should be emphasized in health care reform: maintaining quality, providing choice, guaranteeing access, reducing costs, preserving jobs, enhancing flexibility, ensuring fairness, and encouraging individual responsibility. Republicans believe that something is wrong in America when those on welfare are provided health insurance through Medicaid, while many hard working individuals and families cannot obtain health insurance. Republicans believe that reforms should be implemented which will allow individuals to keep their insurance if they change or lose their jobs. We believe that insurance should be guaranteed renewable. Republicans believe that the quality of American medical care which is the highest in the world must be preserved. We believe that the right to choose your own doctor and your own health insurance coverage must be maintained. Republicans believe that the federal tax subsidy currently given only to employers should be extended through a tax deduction or credit to individuals to assure tax fairness for those who purchase their health insurance and medical care directly. Republicans believe that Americans should be allowed to establish tax free medical savings ac counts out of which they could pay for routine medical care. We also believe that responsible medical malpractice tort re form will contribute to reducing medical costs.
Democrats support forcing Americans to purchase their health insurance through government alliances. They advocate job killing employer mandates, massive new pay roll taxes, government health entitlements, and government controls which would lead to rationing of medical services, such as already occurs in the Veterans Administration. Their big government solutions, which amount to nothing less than the welfarization of health care, would put at risk the quality of our medical care and the ability of Americans to choose their doctors and their health insurance.
Republicans continue to fight for constitutional limits on state taxing and spending. We believe that government should not grow faster than the ability of citizens to pay for it. For too long, family budgets have been shrinking while government budgets have been growing. Republicans believe that state taxing and spending growth should be limited to no more than growth in the personal income of Floridians. The average Floridian already works until May 2just to earn enough to pay total federal, state and local taxes. In Florida, the per capita total tax burden is already over $7,100 annually. Clearly, we aren't taxed too little; government spends too much and wastes too much.
For years, Democrats have fought to raise taxes of all kinds, and against any constitutional limit on state taxing and spending. Recently, under pressure from Republicans and the public, Democrats have paid lip service to the concept of tax and spending limits. However, they continue to push for gaping loopholes which would leave explosive welfare programs unchecked and allow unlimited expansions of government entitlements.
Republicans support requiring able bodied recipients of public assistance to work. We also support putting time limits on welfare assistance. We believe incentives and requirements should be implemented to ensure that welfare recipients and their' children attend school or job training, receive proper immunizations, and remain drug free. We support improving efforts to identify fathers of children born to unmarried mothers and vigorously pursuing child support payments. Republicans also believe that welfare reforms, at a minimum, should not cost more than current programs.
Democrats in the legislature continue to vote against requiring welfare recipients to work and against placing time limits on welfare. Democrat proposals for "reforms" routinely cost more than current programs. Under the current Democrat administration, Florida leads the nation in welfare over payments. Florida gives away hundreds of millions of dollars annually to individuals who are not eligible to receive benefits.
Republicans believe that the best conditions for job opportunity and economic growth come from individual freedom, limited government, low taxes and spending, fewer and more flexible regulations, and a society protected from crime that offers quality educational opportunities for all. Free men and women, engaging in free enterprise, unhampered by restrictive government policies, will provide the greatest opportunities for the creation of wealth and progress for our state and nation.
Democrats seem to believe that government can create jobs. They favor higher taxes and spending, and bigger government which diminishes the private sector and individual freedom. Democrats continue to support heavy regulations and mandates that stifle entrepreneurial spirit and economic growth. As former Democrat Presidential candidate Paul Tsongas noted, "Democrats love employees but hate employers. The problem is you can't have employees without employers." This fundamental truth is lost on most Democrats in office.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
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